**Stuff 2 Make You Think**

~*No man is worth your tears, and the only one who is will never make you cry*~

**A million words will not bring you back, I know because I've tried**
~Neither would a million tears, I know because I've cried~

.:When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you:.
.:When I first talked to you I was afraid to like you:.
.:When I first liked you I was afraid to Love You:.
.:Now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you:.

 memory lasts for ever, never does it die~True friends stay together
Ånd never say GOODBYE!!

××If you really love something, set it free××If it comes back it's yours××And if it
doesn't then it was never meant to be××

:.Dont't settle for the one you can live with:.:Wait for the one you can't live without.:

æLove is like quicksand, the deeper you get, the harder it is to get back outæ

@}---If you're asking if I need you the answer is 4ever---If you're askin if I'll leave
you, the answer is never---If you're asking what I value the answer is you---If
you're aking if I love you the answer is I DO!---{@

~4get the times you waked by~4get the times you made me cry~4get the time you held my
hand~4get the sweet things if I can~I can no longer pretend~I gotta remember, Now you're
just my friend~

**~If I could be an angel I'd make your every wish come true~but I am only human~Just a
girl who's loving you~**

**U know that you're in love when the hardest thing is to say good-bye**

¿whàt ïs løvê ànd whàt døês ït dêfïnê? whø's tø sày ànd whøs
tø dràw thê lïnê¿ ànd wïthïn thïs wørld ànd
àll ïts fúss whø's tø sày ïf ït's løvê ør à sïmplê crush

§~I see you next to never, so how can we say forever?
where ever you go, whatever you do
I'll be right here waiting for you, whatever it takes,
or how my heart breaks,
I'll be right here, waiting for you~§
*never say forever cuz forever isn't real*
*forever's what you think and forever's what you feel*
*so if you say forever please promise that you'll try*
*but never say forever cuz forever makes me cry*

...I don't wanna cry a tear for you...so 4give me if I do...
...I'd do anything...I'd give you my world...I'd wait forever...to be your girl...

*_AnYonE CaN cAtCh YouR eYe, bUt It TaKes sOMeOnE SpEciAl tO cATcH YoUr hEaRt_*

..:I'm not supposed to love you..:..I'm not supposed to care:..
..:I'm not supposed to spend my life..:..Wishing you were there:..
..:I'm not supposed to wonder where you are..:..or what you do:..
..:I'm sorry, I just can't help myself..:..I fell in *love* with you:..

.:{@ He holds me when I start to cry.:.Makes me smile with just his eyes @}:.
.:{@ Shares my hopes and dreams and fears.:.Wipes away all of my tears @}:.
.:{@ I love him without regret.:.The only problem is I haven't found him yet @}:.

»you may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with you hatefullness«
»but still, like air, i'll rise«

..A Girl And A Guy Can Just Be Friends...But At One Point Or Another...They'll fall for eachother..
..Maybe Temporarily...Maybe At The Wrong Time...Maybe Too Late...Or Maybe Forever..

~The first time I saw you...I knew it was true~
~That I'd love you forever...That's what I'll do~
~You don't know what you do to me...You don't have a clue~
You don't know what it's like to be me...looking at you~

:..a broken heart continues to beat..:

`*Keep da Pictures...They neva change...Just the People in them Do*`

-**-If you get a chance to see him...Your heart begins to dance-**-
-**-Your life revolves around him...there's nothing like romance-**-

_Let them notice You-Not You notice them_

~`Once Upon A Time**Something Happened To Me**It Was The Sweetest Thing`~
~`That Could Be**A Fantasy**A Dream Come True`~
~`It Was The Day That I Met You`~

To say that You'll love one person all of your life
Is like saying that a candle will continue to burn as long as you live.

__*The opposite sex is the most dangerous and addictive drug out there*__
__*but the high is unlike anything else*__

\*/Dreams can come true if you take the time to think about what you want in life\*/

**This time it's over*I'm keeping my heart*I'm gonna be strong*and not fall apart**
**It'll get better*I'll no longer cry*In a couple of weeks I won't want to die*I won't want to go back**
**I'll be able to sleep*it won't hurt so bad*and it won't feel so deep**
**I'm convincing myself*Yes, I'll find someone new*I wont't be alone*and I won't be with you**
**You're waiting for me*To crawl back to your side*but not this time*I'm keeping my pride**
**So good-bye forever*I'll be on my way*It's gonna take time*But I'll be okay**

.::Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear::.

-A heart is not a plaything-
-A heart is not a toy-
-But it you want it broken,-
-Give it to a careless boy-

@} If you love someone put their name in a circle instead of a heart {@
@} Because hearts can be broken, but a circle goes on forever {@

If Äll of my friends jumped off of a bridge, I wouldn't jump with 'em, I be waiting at the bottom 2 catch 'em!

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most:
Saying something and wishing that you hadn't, or saying nothing and wishing you had¿?

"A jewel is just a rock, that figured out how to shine"

...ûr eyes are placed in front cuz it's more important to look ahead than 2 look back...

~What's Better: A lie that draws a smile~Or the truth that draws a tear¿~

++If you love me like you told me please be careful with my heart++You can take it++Please don't break it++
++Or my world would fall apart++

*~Nothing is more painful than realizing that he meant everything to you...and you meant nothing to him~*

...Don't push anyone to hard...If it's meant to be...It'll happen...

 I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh 
 but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry 

Everyone who lives dies...but not everyone who dies lives

GuYS ArE lIke rOSes, wATcH OuT FOr tHE PrIcKS!

**It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does

-Dream As If You'll Live Forever-Live As If You'll Die-

~*If love isn't a game then why are there so many players?*~

~-~If you love me...let me know...If you don't...let me go~-~

«Sometimes Your Mind Doesn't Want To Be In Love--But Deep Down You Know You Are»

"*:.People are going to talk about you--Especially when they envy you and the life you live.:*"
"*:.Let them--You affected their lives--they didn't affect yours.:*"

.....~When I look at You My Heart Skips A Beat.....But later that beat could mean a lifetime of tears~.....
.....~Wasted On Something I knew I could Never Have~.....

friends are like stars, they come and go, but the ones that stay are the ones that glow!

~**My heart was taken by you...breaken by you...and now it's in pieces because of you**~

How can You be friends with someone if every time you look at them you just want them more?¿

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